Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions of Services
This client agreement (the “Agreement”)is entered by and between MasterX (the “Company”) and the person and/or legal entity that has applied to open a trading account at the Company’s trading platform (the “Client”), according to the terms and conditions detailed in this agreement.
Trade Investments (“Trading”), means that a contract is being created which gives the Client the right to estimate the direction of change in price of an underlying asset, within a certain time frame determined by the Company. This trading instrument is different from trading in trading in ‘options’ in a traditional way, since there is a fixed return that is determined at the outset of the trade, such as: there is usually no Stop-Loss order and other features.
The Trading Account
Account Opening – Client may apply for an account through the Company’s website and the Company will accept such account opening application (the “Trading Account”) under the following terms: (i) the Company has received confirmation that the Client has agreed to enter into this Agreement (such confirmation can be made by checking the “I AGREE” button or link on the Company’s Internet website (the “Website”), followed by a completed application form (if applicable) and all other Client’s information required by the Company to be provided. The Client confirms that Client’s information is full, accurate and complete. If there is a change in the information provided by the Client, the Client must notify the Company immediately of any such change.
Usage of the Trading Platform is done through the Account, by a limited license provided by the Company to the Client. The license is personal, non-transferable and is for persons who are older than 18 years old (or older legal age, if the law applicable to the Client’s jurisdictions requires a higher legal age) and subject to this Agreement. The Client will not transfer, assign, or enable other to make any use of the license, and/or give the Clients access codes to the Trading Account to anyone. Any damage caused to the Client, the Company and any third party due to breach of this Agreement by Client, shall be under the Client’s sole responsibility.
Activation of the Trading Account – The Account will be activated by the Company as soon as the Company has identified the funds credited by the Client to the Trading Account. The Company may activate the Trading Account and permit trading in the Trading Account subject to such limitations, and to the satisfaction of such further requirements as the Company may impose. Where a Trading Account is not activated or is frozen, no funds held by the Company in respect of that Trading Account may be transferred back or to any other person until the Company is satisfied that all Applicable Regulations have been complied with.
The Company may act, according to the Company’s sole discretion, as principal or as agent on the Client’s behalf in relation to any Transaction entered into pursuant to the Agreement. Therefore the Company may act as the counter party to the Clients Trading activity. The Client confirms that it acts as the sole principal and not as agent or trustee on behalf of someone else.
The Transactions
The Trading Platform enables trading in exchange rates of different currencies, commodities, and any other financial instruments made available by the Company. The Trading Platform displays indicative quotes of exchange rates of different financial instruments pairs, based on different financial information systems, as the most updated exchange rates in the international capital markets. For determining the quotes for different time periods, the platform is making mathematical calculations according to known and accepted capital markets formulas. It is acknowledged by both Parties that due to different calculation methods and other circumstances, different trading platforms and/or markets may display different price quotes.
The Client may transfer funds to the Company with different methods of payment as permitted by the Company from time to time and in any currency (acceptable by the Company), and such funds will be converted and managed in the Trading Platform in US Dollars and/or Euro and/or GBP and/or CAD and/or AUD, as determined by the Company, according to an exchange rate determined by the Company’s according to the available market rates
Fees & Charges
The Company does not charge brokerage fees or commissions for executing trades. he Company charges a fee for transfers of funds standing to the credit of a Trading Account from the Company to the Client, currently equivalent to 35 units per transfer.
Account Statements
Trading Account balances and statements are displayed within the trading platform made available to the Client by the Company. Common terms definitions can be found on the Company’s Website.
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